Jun 14, 2006

Woman with half a body

昨天深夜看了一個紀錄片 The woman with half a body,講一個女子Rosemarie Siggins因為得了一種罕見疾病,所以在很小的時候就截肢,但是她並沒有向命運低頭,反而和一般人一樣正常的過生活。但更慘的還不是這樣,她母親過世後留下了智力不足的弟弟、年邁的父親,還好有他先生在一旁的支持,她很勇敢的活下去。對於生活的種種,她並不埋怨,也不會抱怨自己為什麼沒有和別人一樣健全的身體,但她利用自己能掌握的資源,事實證明只要願意,沒有什麼是不能完成的。很神奇的是,她居然還生了一個小孩,而且為了讓她小孩不讓別人貼標籤,她還親自去和小孩的朋友說明自己得到的疾病,真是愛母心切。在節目的最後她講了一段很棒的話: She's had to learn from a young age that not everybody is going to accept her as she is: "That's what I had to learn when I was very young: maybe I won't be accepted and be beautiful on the outside, but the one thing I can do is be beautiful on the inside. I'm a one of a kind, one in a million – and they won't forget me." 我想告訴她,you’ll never be forgotten. 去看更多關於她的報導。


terri said...

you'll never be forgotten. . . 看起來閣下其實情感頗雙魚座般的豐富說 XD

anthonioo said...

well... 雙魚座的夢幻是我學不起來的,真是恭維了 :p