Nov 28, 2004

How to make crepes

Originally uploaded by geek2k.
1. 500g plain flour
2. 8 eggs
3. Some oil
4. Some salt
5. Some white rum (white cooking wine)
6. 1 liter of milk
1. Pour in the flour and make a hole in the middle
2. Put eggs inside the hole
3. Put oil and salt
4. Stir well and add milk from time to time
5. Stir till when the whole thing looks liquid like
6. Let it raise for 30 minutes
7. Warm the stove and put the saucepan on top for a while
8. Use a kitchen towel to spread thin layer of oil on the saucepan
9. Use a spoon to pour a thin layer of liquid prepared on the saucepan (just enough to cover the whole saucepan)
10. When you see the edge is crispy, turn the crepe over (by slightly throw it up)
11. Wait for a while, then it’s ready to serve.
12. Put whatever you like on the crepe. Then fold it in whatever way you wish to.


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